Tuesday, September 14, 2010


After your further reflections on "Pollock" and thoughts on how it relates to "Basquiat,"

Both Pollock and Basquiat have some similar aspects to their life that may or may not have molded them into great artists. Pollock and Basquiat both seem to have family problem, Basquiat’s mother is mentally ill and Pollock doesn’t seem to be getting the attention that he deserves. Both are considered a ‘black sheep” in their family, Basquiat refuses to life the American dream life and instead ops for a box on the streets and Pollock doesn’t seem to fit in with his family.
Symbolism is relevant in both movies, both artists are ‘saved’ by their girlfriends, or Madonna figures in red dresses. Over the course of both movies, the artists seem to suffer from physical deterioration from change. This happens to Basquiat after Warhol’s death and the same thing happens to Pollock after Lee leaves to visit Peggy Guggeinheim for an extended period of time.
Another similarity that the artists share are the way in which they deal with fame and criticism. After they become famous and reach the climax/epiphany of their careers, both artists seem not to know what to do with themselves. The criticism that they face from art related media, gets to their head and they go somewhat mad. Both artists also work from within, art and the paintings that they create are instinctive.

choose a scene from "Pollock" and try analyzing it according to exercise # 2 in your textbook on p. 86 (briefly discussed in class Sept. 8).


In the movie Pollock, sound seems to play an important role in portraying the events of Pollock’s life. The director uses diegetic music in the scene where Pollock is at the dinner table with his family and Lee. The music in the dinner scene interacts with the mood of the characters. Pollock leads a fast paced dinner so that he doesn’t have to discuss his brother’s leaving for the war. The music interacts and keeps tempo with the passing of the dinner plates and their fast paced eating habits. The song finally escalates and reaches its plateau when Pollock and his brother fight about his new job and going to war.

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