Sunday, September 26, 2010

Student Pick Movie

For this post, find a film about a visual artist that you'd like to watch for the "students' choice" movie on Nov. 17. Explain why you chose the film and what you think it would contribute to the course. You may not have seen the film you choose, but do your best to express why you believe we should watch it in this class. A good place to start is the Internet Movie database: (link to the right of the page).

My first choice in movies would be Girl With a Pearl Earring, it tells the story of artist Vermeer and his inspiration for the painting Girl With a Pearl Earring. I have seen this film and I think it would be a good movie to see because it shows the artists creative processes of making paints in this time period, the social issues of the time and his inspiration. This movie doesn’t give an accurate portrayal of the artist and the times because it was so long ago and is fictional

When I was doing research on artist movies I also came across a movie that I have never heard of/seen before: Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus. I watched the preview for the movie and it looked really interesting. The plot with the werewolf man is obviously fictionalized but I like how it examined a women’s role in the house in the 1940s and how Arbus went off and became a ‘working woman.’ She took photos of very bizarre subject matter such as Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park and Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967. This movie combines all three sections of our class: difference & creativity, creativity & gender, and the blending of fact & fiction so I think it would be a good movie to watch as a close to our class. I also think it would be a good pick for the movie because it examines a woman photographer, one medium/area of art that we haven’t looked at in class yet.


  1. I agree with "Girl With a Pearl Earring", I loved the film, and think it would be very enjoyable to watch. Although it fictionalizes Vermeer's life, it still gives insight into the artistic process and his painting style.

  2. I saw "Fur" and hated it! But--that doesn't mean it wouldn't be interesting for this course. It's REALLY weird!
