Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Student's choice

For this post, find a film about a visual artist that you'd like to watch for the "students' choice" movie on Nov. 17. Explain why you chose the film and what you think it would contribute to the course. You may not have seen the film you choose, but do your best to express why you believe we should watch it in this class. A good place to start is the Internet Movie database: http://www.imdb.com/ (link to the right of the page).

For our “student’s choice” movie, I would like to watch “Lust for Life”, a movie chronicling Vincent Van Gogh’s life, as well as his relationship with the painter Gaugin. I have always been a huge fan of Van Gogh’s work, and although I have not seen this movie, it has received great critical acclaim. It was made in 1956, so it is slightly older than the other films we have watched in the class, but it gives insight into an artist and an artistic movement that we haven’t studied in this class, while continuing the theme of the “troubled artist”.
Another movie that would be enjoyable would be “Girl With a Pearl Earring”. I have seen this film and found it very fascinating. Although it is based on a book, which was a fictionalized account Vermeer’s life, I still thought that it did a good job of portraying Vermeer’s painting process. The film itself is beautifully made as well.


  1. I LOVE Van Gogh! He is my all time favorite artist. I have never heard of the film-I'm going to IMDB it. Van Gogh was another artist that is far from normal and very troubled-I love the fact that "Starry Night" is what he saw outside of his window at an insane asylum (Dr. Libby-is this correct?). I feel like all of van Gogh's work is very emotional and passionate; with its bright color and noticeable brush strokes. To see how van Gogh is depicted would be very interesting. Awesome choice, Caitlin!!

  2. I did a bit of reading and Van Gogh did infact paint his masterpiece Starry Night while in an insane aslyum at Saint-Remy. The vivid colors and the way the shapes are rendered are the style he posthumously became famous for. The dreamlike treatment of images and energy and emotions in the paiting may be the expression of his unstable mental state.

    Book used:
    Crispino, Enrica. Van Gogh. Minneapolis: Oliver, 2008. Print.
