Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Students Choice-Modigliani

For the students choice of film i wold like to see Modigliani (2004). This movie is set in Paris in 1919 and is about the life of the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani played by Andy Garcia. Modigliani's life was full of hardships in all aspects of of his life. He struggled with money, fought for custody of his illegitimate child and constantly fought with substance abuse. He also engaged in a fierce rivalry with Pablo Picasso. This movies seems like it would be very interesting as it involves themes we have seen in previous films, as well as the fact that it involves two artists that interacted with one another in real life. Also, most people don't know too much about Modigliani. A few years ago i attended a seminar in the fine arts museum about Modigliani and it as one of my first exposures to his work. I think it may be nice to look at the life of an artists most people are less familiar with ... plus its on netflix and starz this month..makes it easier to watch hehehe

Another film that I thought looked interesting is Surviving Picasso (1996) starring Anthony Hopkins as Picasso. The story is told from the perspective of one of his lovers.... throughout the film she encounters the other women thathave come in and out of Picasso's life and sees the emotional and psychological damage he had had on them. The only reason i hesitate to recommend this movie is that from the synopsis it seems as if the focus is more on his love life and less on his work. The fact that the story is told from a women who appeared later in his life perspective, instances that didn't involve other women she meets may be left out and this could result in a film that is more fiction than fact and an opinion based love story. However with Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Moore in the film is would most certainly be entertaining.

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